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nhance MDM

Make Enterprise Mobility Dynamic & Secure

nhance MDM - GA Soft Tech's Mobile Device Management Product

nhance MDM

The ubiquitous nature of devices, versions, and platforms at work is making management and tracking of such devices more complex. Whereas organizations cannot be hostile to the fast-growing BYOD culture, the need of the hour is to have all security measures in place through an efficient and cost-effective mobile device management (MDM).

nhance MDM aims to optimize the functionality and security of the mobile communications network while reducing overhead costs and downtime.

Why Does Your Organization Need Mobile Device Management?

“A survey shows that an astounding 86% of employees who bring their own devices to work access company email on their devices, with 70% using it to work on collaborative documents.”

The rise in the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), COPE (Corporate Owned, Personally Enabled), and the CYOD (Choose Your Own Device) culture in corporate and academic worlds is remarkable. This, coupled with the penetration of smartphones and other handheld devices into day-to-day activities has reaped remarkable benefits.
Simultaneously, the risks of compromise of confidential and business-critical data also increase. Therefore, organizations need a robust Mobile Device Management platform to protect against possible information and corporate security lapses.

nhance MDM – Simplifying Mobile Device Management

Our solution, nhance MDM, offers a unified platform to manage BYOD devices in an efficient and simplified manner. This helps relieve an organization’s IT personnel from the cumbersome task of securing tablets and smartphones, thus enabling them to channelize their efficiency for other significant tasks.

Data and Device Security - nhance MDM

Data & Device Security

Secure business-critical data through device security and data loss prevention policies.

Asset Inventory and Management - nhance MDM

Asset Inventory & Management

Achieve complete visibility and management of all endpoints from a single admin dashboard.

Easy Onboarding and Configuration - nhance MDM

Easy Onboarding & Configuration

Add new devices seamlessly and quickly. Self-activate devices without IT involvement.

Remote Support and Troubleshooting - nhance MDM

Remote Support & Troubleshooting

Easily troubleshoot devices and have total control over remote commands and devices.


How Can an Organization Benefit from nhance MDM?

  • Being cloud-based, updates are automatically executed
  • Remote monitoring and configuration
  • Regular and hassle-free data backup/restore
  • Enables logging/reporting for compliance reasons
  • Remote disabling of unauthorized suspicious applications

nhance MDM

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